Jun 5, 2018
In this episode we go to the buffet — it's the show almost ALL about food.
Dr Kevin Sprouse — Medical Director for the EF Education First / Drapac presented by Cannondale Pro Cycling Team — has a practical prescription for your race nutrition, including changes you need to start making RIGHT NOW.
Rebecca Rusch will reveal what’s in her feed bag in Our Questions for the Queen segment, then Fatty and Hottie talk about their respective Leadville menus (they're miles apart).
We continue our mile-by-mile (or is that minute-by-minute?) analysis of the course, including pinpointing the first places you should get out something to eat.
Finally, Jonathan Lee’s training advice for this show is going to have you outside on a long ride, putting everything you learned about eating in this show into practice.
Since we talk about rice cakes very frequently during this episode, here's a recipe for rice cakes from Dr. Allen Lim (of Feed Zone Cookbook fame), originally posted in FatCyclist.com:
Thanks to Our Sponsors
We went out of our way, for this podcast, to reach out exclusively
to companies we actually love and buy stuff from ourselves. Which
is to say, you won't find ads here for life insurance companies or
mattresses or cooking kits that come to you in a box.